Advent is one of the most important times on the church calendar. We spend the month of December anticipating and contemplating the arrival of the Christ child and everything that means to us.
But this year is different. A pandemic has separated most of our congregations. How we typically celebrate the Christmas season at our churches has changed.
What can we do to draw both our in-person and on-line congregations into the celebration of Advent in a meaningful way?
This FREE short, Masterclass will give you the answer in the form of a beautiful, interactive Advent Program and display that can be easily constructed and used at Advent for years to come.
“This was incredibly helpful. I shared your thoughts with my church community and they loved it. We usually do some sort of creative experience around Advent and this year we were struggling to find out what to do and how.” Michael, Glendale, AZ
“This was incredibly helpful. I shared your thoughts with my church community and they loved it. We usually do some sort of creative experience around Advent and this year we were struggling to find out what to do and how.” Michael, Glendale, AZ