THANK YOU for signing up for the FREE Masterclass on creating an interactive Covid-Ready Advent Program!
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This free Masterclass is presented by the non-profit New Renaissance Arts Movement. We’re making 2 exclusive offers available to you for your supporting donation.
Offer 1:
For a donation of ANY AMOUNT, we’ll send you the complete 40-page illustrated Ebook, The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Covid-Ready Advent: An Interactive Advent Program and Display for On-Line and In-Person Congregations, Plus all the Scripts you’ll need for every step of the program.
Offer 2:
For a donation of $39.95, we’ll send you a signed copy of Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation, the complete 40-page illustrated Ebook, The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Covid-Ready Advent: An Interactive Advent Program and Display for On-Line and In-Person Congregations, all the Scripts you’ll need for every step of the program, PLUS the Peace-Full Scripture Meditation CD, narrated by Scott with Music by Marvin Adams, AND free shipping.
If you find the class helpful, please consider supporting us with a donation. Click Here to donate and receive either offer.
Your donations support The New Renaissance’s activities, including:
FREE Masterclasses like this one.
-, featuring practical ideas for creativity and arts ministry in the local church.
The CreativeChurch Arts Conferences, with 50 video recordings available by topic soon!
The New Renaissance Arts Movement site’s arts links and materials.
Arts Ministry consulting and training for churches. (Contact:
Watch the Masterclass now or follow this link to download it:
You will also receive a link in your email to watch the class and download it.
Here is a link to a private Facebook group where you can interact with other Advent arts practitioners!
(PLEASE don’t share with anyone who is not registered.)